The True Dangers of Using AirTags for Dogs

The True Dangers of Using AirTags for Dogs



1 min read

It may be tempting to use AirTags to track dogs in case they wander off or get lost, but according to a report from The Wall Street Journal, there are potential risks. At 1.26 inches in diameter, ā€ŒAirTagsā€Œ are small enough to fit easily on collars and small enough for a medium to large dog to swallow. Dog owner Colin Mortimer told The Wall Street Journal that Sophie's AirTag went missing and was found in the stomach of his other dog, Sassy. On Reddit, a user's Doberman had swallowed an AirTag, and another user reported watching a dog at the dog park eat one.

Take Precautions When Attaching AirTags to Dogs

A Louisiana vet told The Wall Street Journal that he had treated six dogs that had swallowed an AirTag in the last 18 months. Apple does not recommend using ā€ŒAirTagsā€Œ for tracking pets or children and has said that it is not something people should do, as ā€ŒAirTagsā€Œ were designed for tracking items rather than living creatures. If an AirTag is swallowed, it may pass through the pet's digestive system without issue, but if the battery is chewed, it can release a harmful substance that can hurt the pet's stomach or mouth or even cause poisoning. Dog owners who attach an AirTag to a pet collar should ensure it is as secure as possible.